Zeomedia and Corodex desalination project in Abu Dhabi

Leonardo Courtade

CEO de Zeomex


In the heart of Abu Dhabi, a groundbreaking desalination project showcases the future of sustainable water treatment. Zeomedia, represented by Leo Courtade, and their partners Corodex, led by General Manager Bassem Halabi, have embarked on an innovative journey at a desalination plant constructed by Corodex. Zeomedia and Corodex desalination project in Abu Dhabi

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This facility is not just any desalination plant; it is part of a larger initiative to supply pristine water for a surf ranch pool, touted to be the largest in the Middle East.

A Revolutionary Approach to Water Filtration

The collaboration between Zeomedia and Corodex integrates Zeomedia advanced filter media into the desalination process, offering a sustainable and efficient solution for water purification. This technology stands at the forefront of engineering excellence, providing both the engineering prowess and the critical filter media necessary for the filtration process.

The desalination plant operates on a sophisticated system that begins with the intake of fresh seawater, which then undergoes a series of purification steps.

Bassem Halabi (Corodex) & Leonardo Courtade (Zeomedia)

The process starts with the Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) systems, which play a crucial role in removing suspended solids and other impurities from the seawater. This initial step is vital for ensuring the quality of water before it moves on to the next phases of purification.

The Zeolite difference in the Filtration Stage

One of the highlights of this project is the use of Zeomex’s zeolite filters. These filters receive water from the DAF systems and perform dual-purpose filtration. Not only do they prepare seawater for the next step in the desalination process, but they also circulate water from the wave basin. This dual functionality underscores the system’s efficiency and innovation.

This desalination project goes beyond water treatment; it incorporates a waste treatment process to manage by-products from the filtration and intake systems efficiently.

Reverse Osmosis Plant at Corodex Surf Pool

Zeolite, a naturally occurring mineral with exceptional ion-exchange and adsorption properties, is at the heart of Zeomedia’s effectiveness. Its unique structure allows for the removal of contaminants at a lower micron level, which is crucial for achieving crystal-clear water in applications such as surf ranch pools.

Moreover, zeolite’s high surface area and porosity lead to better water quality and reduced frequency of backwashing, thereby lowering both capital and operational expenses.

  • Low Micron Filtration: Zeomedia’s capability to filter at very low micron levels ensures exceptionally clear water, essential for the surf ranch’s aesthetic and safety standards.
  • Reduced Footprint: The efficiency of Zeomedia allows for a smaller physical footprint of the filtration system, thanks to its higher filtration rate.
  • Economic Efficiency: The need for less frequent backwashing translates into significant savings on water, energy, and maintenance costs.

Collaboration in Water Treatment

The global desalination industry is on an upward trajectory, with the International Desalination Association (IDA) reporting a consistent increase in the capacity of desalination plants worldwide. As freshwater scarcity becomes a pressing issue for many regions, the adoption of innovative technologies like Zeomedia in desalination processes presents a sustainable solution to meet the growing demand for potable water.

Full Interview

The Zeomedia and Corodex project in Abu Dhabi not only exemplifies the potential of advanced filtration materials like zeolite in enhancing desalination efficiency but also sets a benchmark for future endeavors in the water treatment industry.

By reducing environmental impact and operational costs, such innovations pave the way for more sustainable and economically viable water desalination projects around the globe

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